About Me
Elizabeth Beier
Creative Director
Hi, I’m Elizabeth. I launched Art + Story LLC in December of 2020. I am an experienced graphic recorder, teacher and author. To hire me to bring magic to your meetings in the form of live illustrative notes, send me a message here. You can also sign up to learn or develop your art skills with me here.
Please subscribe my newsletter for updates on my practice, discount codes and periodic video tutorials. You’ll also get a new Zoom background every full moon! Follow me on social for my latest public-facing art, and to share your art with me. I’d love for Art + Story LLC to build a community of artists of every kind, united by our love of creating magic.
Coaching, Advice and Support
When I started Art + Story LLC, my biggest fear was of doing this work alone. But of course, I’m not! I have amazing people in my corner who support me, and here are a few of them. These folks don’t formally work at Art + Story LLC, but their support and input is invaluable to me.
SunShine Céline BenBelkacem
Coach and Mentor
Sunny is a ray of light. She has also been my coach and mentor since the very beginning of Art + Story LLC. With 20+ years of experience in graphic recording and facilitation, Sunny is a true expert in the field. She advises me on business, craft, technology, and forming meaningful connections. With her deep knowledge of scribing, business and networking, along with her beautiful energy, Sunny is a terrific coach. Visit her online at www.thatgirlshines.com.
Anjali Singh
Literary agent
Anjali Singh is a literary agent from Ayesha Pande Literary, and has been advising me on my long-term projects 2017. Though the years, Anjali has offered me creative coaching, marketing advise, honest feedback, unwavering support and encouragement even when projects get tough, and friendship. Anjali was also the agent who helped Marjane Satrapi bring Persepolis (both the graphic novel and the movie) into the world. To learn more, please visit www.pandeliterary.com.
Chief of Naps
Cormac was adopted by my co-op during the Covid-19 pandemic and has been a source of eternal comfort and joy in our lives. He is primarily a Husky with some of German Shepherd mixed in. As Chief of Naps, he reminds me that rest and self care during down time help me be fully present while working with you.