Coming Soon: The Big Book of Bisexual Trials and Errors
Northwest Press | October 2017
Elizabeth Beier chronicles her true-life romantic tales as she breaks up with a long-term boyfriend and starts to date women. Beier tackles the complexities of sexuality and self image with a conversational and immediate art style, telling stories anyone who's ever struggled with dating can relate to.
Direct order info coming soon. Would you like your local comic book store to carry The Big Book of Bisexual Trials and Errors? We are in "Previews" now, with Diamond order number “OCT171715" -- if you let them know you would buy the book and it's in "Previews" now, they should know what that means and be able to order it. Book store orders for this round are due October 18th.
“As Elizabeth grows from young girl to confident queer, the literal walls of her work come crumbling down: the lines and marks get bolder and more dynamic, and the traditional comic book grids and portrait-based storytelling give way to the abstract, the strange, and the divine.”
“Funny and relatable in a way that transcends age and orientation.”