Illustration & Portraits

Chaney Family Dentistry Illustration & Rebrand

In January 2021, I helped Chaney Family Dentistry rebrand their website. Chaney Family Dentistry is a father-and-son dental practice in Vallejo, California. My rebrand included a new logo, color palette, sourcing stock photos, and creating several bespoke illustrations.

Drs. Victor and Alex Chaney

Choose Democracy Evergreen Website Illustrations

After creating animations for the group Choose Democracy around the 2020 election, I also created illustrations for their legacy website. The website is dedicated to offering anti-coup resources.

Capitol riot.jpg
Joe Biden clear President elect.jpg
distrust and distortions.jpg
Removed by US Backed Coups.jpg


Commission a Portrait (People & Pets)

All portrait commissions include:

  • A 30 minute consultation to tell me what makes the person or animal special — what is their personality? What mood do they bring to the room? What is their most striking feature? I will use this description in addition to photos to create the portrait. We will also discuss art style.

  • When I’ve made the portrait, you will receive an email preview and two rounds of edits to ensure satisfaction.

  • If digital only: a high resolution RBG image in up to three sizes of your choice (for different social platforms)

  • If physical and digital: all of the above, plus a 8.5 x 11 card stock print delivered to you or the final recipient of the portrait

Browse the samples below, and commission a portrait today!

Note: Physical portraits intended to arrive before Christmas must be ordered before December 15. Digital portraits as Christmas gifts must be ordered before December 20.

Pet Portraits

sleepy dog framed.JPG

Motion Enhanced Portraits

People Portraits (Diverse style and media samples)

Traditional inking practice: Mutant Screen Sirens

As part of my practice for Inktober 2019, I drew a set of fifties screen stars as mutants. These were all painted with Sumi Ink and a Windsor & Newton round brush, then colored digitally. Click for a larger view.

People Watching Portraits

One of the things I miss most about life before the pandemic is public transportation and public spaces, being able to see faces all around me. These are some drawings I created a few years ago while riding BART. They are each inspired by a person but exact likeness and distinguishing details such as hair style, clothes or tattoos have been changed. The purpose of these drawings was not to draw particular individuals, but to create a gallery that captured the beauty of traveling with other human beings.